
jueves, 13 de febrero de 2014


On the second day of presentations just only one group could exhibit their presentation. That group has been The Four Magic Teachers.

First of all, they have shared with us their personal commitments. I think it is quite interesting because they trust in us, I mean, we have generated a confidence atmosphere, so now it is easier to work and share our project with the rest of the class.   

After that, they have explained us some cooperative learning techniques that they were going to use in their “class”. From my point of view, I think was better to integrate the theoretical part with the practise part, so they should have explained the class with the cooperative learning theory and not to separate both and explain them separately. For that reason, the presentation in some moments has been a little bit bored. It is just an opinion.

They have used the technique that my group used: Jigsaw or puzzle. I think that strategy is quite common and it is very easy to work using it. Why? Because kids feel like a real teacher and feel that their work is important for the rest of the group, it does not matter that they have different levels, they important thing is that they contribute to make the work.

Also, they use another technique: peer tutorial. I think they could explained that technique better than they did, because, at the end of the presentation I had some doubts about it. As I have understood, it is like the jigsaw but only with two people. One of them is the “teacher”, so he or she has to answer the questions of the other one, who is the “student”. That technique needs the guide of the real teacher, who assign who is the teacher and who is the student. It is also a cooperative technique, because they will help each other in order to learn.

So, to evaluate what they are doing during the sessions, my classmates have design a table in which children have to evaluate some different aspects about their daily work. They have to reflect about their group-work, their personal work and also they will co-evaluate their others classmates which is very important if we are working in a cooperative way.

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